Today I’ll share a project that’s coming along nicely. There’s been a lot of drama around the land this project is proposed for, but we’ve gotten nothing but compliments on the design. The clients are wonderful and deserving of a modern home with an amazing view. This house will have a view that spans all the way from the Bay Bridge, downtown San Francisco, Golden Gate Bridge, Angel Island, Tiburon, to the Richmond Bridge. They can even see Keller Beach at Point Richmond. The clients like the feel of natural materials combined with a modern sensbility. I responded with a design that many neighbors are lovingly calling Mid Century Modern. I take that as a sincere compliment. Especially considering that this will be designed with so many aspects that a far better built and respectful of the environment than what was standard for the classic MCM.

I feel I’ve had to be somewhat under the radar with this one since there’s been so much controversy, but we’ve gotten through design review and it was even appealled to the City Council.
The dispute is over a crumbling path a few people use that traverses the property, yet they want the use of the path without owning the property. I’ll hold off on getting in to the details, but simply, the public has been allowed to cross by the owner in the past, but he wants to sell it now. So legally, there’s no right of access by the public.
Regardless, we’re moving forward and I’m excited about the project. I’ll share the design renderings with you.