For clarity of form or purpose, despite the challenge to maintain in the nature of complex our work, understandable expression has a longevity of it's own.
(Normal speak: Design pretty even if it's hard to do).
Contribute to the community
We find volunteer work to be a valuable asset for both the individual and the community that it benefits. This exposes all of us to experiences and knowledge outside the rigors of our profession and feeds our inspiration.
Avoid The Tool Dictating the Design
Whether sketching by hand, drafting on a drawing board, creating vinettes in cardboard or clay, or modelling BIM in an emmersive virtual environment, be aware of the influences and limits that each tool has so we rise above the limits.
Spend Time Doing Fun Things
Another way we inform fresh design and innovation is to devote a certain amount of our work hours to research, creative endeavors and a type of cultivated professional play that are of personal interest. This makes for a more effective team and longevity of the firm.
Make spaces we love as much as the client
Motivation towards great architecture comes from a passion that is accompanied by skill and experience. Burning passion is a critical aspect for going beyond just good performance.
Our Culture
Enjoyable and innovative spaces that are high performance, with discreet usable technology.